Around the Region =>> Disability CARICOM Airways Legal Issues Resolved Document: | Video: | Podcast: | Font Size: Small Medium Large Disputes over landing rights for CARICOM Airways have been resolved, according to Attorney General Laurenzo Rudolph Francis and a statement concerning the St. Lucia-registered company will be released by the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority (ECCAA). Issues arose when Allen Chastanet, the Tourism Minister, threatened to ground the Vincentian airline operators unless Kingstown officials allowed CARICOM to land there under a reciprocal CARICOM agreement. ECCAA recently ruled that CARICOM was not operating legally when it ordered the airline company to discontinue operations within the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. Login or Subscribe to access full content. Tags: Turning to People with Disabilities to Reduce Turnover Developing Disabled Veteran Inclusive External Marketing and Communications Plans Developing an Inclusive Culture for the Disabled