About DEC

What is Diversity Education Center

Diversity Education Center (DEC), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is a content rich resource center that focuses on promoting Supplier Inclusion, Procurement, ESG, Supply Chain, HR, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within an organization or community. Its content primarily revolves around education and awareness-building regarding various aspects of diversity, such as race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, supplier opportunities, age, abilities, and more. The content includes a wide range of materials, webinars, articles, videos, podcasts, and resources that aim to foster a more inclusive and equitable environment.

What can readers get from a DEC? Diversity Education Center provides several valuable benefits:

• Education: DEC offers educational content that helps individuals and teams such as ERGs/BRGs understand the various dimensions of diversity and the importance of inclusivity. It provides access to research, case studies, and resources that deepen knowledge on these topics.

• Awareness: DEC content raises awareness about the challenges and experiences faced by individuals from diverse backgrounds, and supplier opportunities. It encourages empathy and a deeper understanding of the unique perspectives of others.

• Resources: DEC typically offers a repository of resources, including best practices, toolkits, and guides that can be used to implement supplier inclusion, ESG, and diversity and inclusion initiatives within an organization.

• Networking: Subscribers to DEC often have opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations, fostering a community dedicated to advancing diversity and inclusion and opportunities for diverse entrepreneurs.

Who should subscribe to a Diversity Education Center (DEC)?

DEI and HR leaders, and Supplier Diversity and Procurement managers, along with employees at all levels of an organization, can greatly benefit from subscribing to a DEC. HR leaders often play a crucial role in implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives within a company, making them key stakeholders. However, employees at all levels can contribute to creating a more inclusive workplace, making DEC subscriptions relevant to everyone.