Supplier Diversity =>> Industry Opportunities Risks of Network Sharing: How Can It Impact Your Ability to do Business? Document: | Video: | Podcast: | Font Size: Small Medium Large Network sharing is not a new concept, but it’s an expanding one. It refers to multiple businesses accessing share network bandwidth usually to connect to the same server. Originally a shared server involved partitioned file storage but a single operating system and application program. Like most technology, new developments are never far off and several years ago virtualization was introduced. Virtualization involves the partitioning of a single server into multiple virtual servers so that multiple operating systems and applications can be run. Virtualization has led to yet another new service delivery architecture called cloud computing which is driving more and more businesses towards network sharing.A business can develop and manage its own server, but there are a number of issues that must be addressed. Businesses operating their own servers are responsible for security, internet connectivity and server maintenance. The business must also assume responsibility for all security. Login or Subscribe to access full content. Tags: Supply Chain, Women Suppliers Bring Essential Qualities to Corporate Clients Aligning Minority Supplier Development with Procurement Trends and Issues Using Technology as a Communication Tool for Successful M&A