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The heart and soul of any business, whether it is focused on a product or a service, is its ability to communicate coherently with targeted customers. A business would simply cease to exist if no one knows about their product or services, much less generate income from these entities who pay for what the business can offer them. It is for this reason why a substantial percentage of business capital and resource are allocated for sales and marketing - catching the attention of targeted customers. - By Sherry Bloom

A study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2006 indicated a staggering $400 billion spent on marketing and advertising, particularly in traditional television commercials and other media campaigns. These marketing methods are designed to steer consumers to look at their product and services. With the cut-throat competition experienced by most industries, marketing campaigns end up “shouting” at consumers and forcing the products at them, instead of really knowing what the customer wants and needs.

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