Spotlight =>> Sustainability Acosys Proves Social Change Takes Action Document: | Video: | Podcast: | Font Size: Small Medium Large Acosys Consulting Services (Acosys) is an Aboriginal owned business that takes its name from the Cree word for arrow (acosis). The company specializes in Information Technology (IT), Human Resources (HR) and Aboriginal Policy Development and was co-founded by David Acco and Julie Lepage in Montreal, Quebec. This description merely describes what the company does, but it doesn’t begin to explain the deep commitment these Aboriginal owners have to weaving the talents and capabilities of Aboriginal peoples into Canada’s social and economic fabric. Words are meaningless unless backed up by action, and Acosys is a model minority-owned business that serve as a standard bearer for commitment to change.Representing the increasingly successful urban Aboriginals of Canada that account for half of the Aboriginal population, founder David Acco makes it clear that his company has a mission based in social entrepreneurship designed to bring about change. In this case, change refers to eliminating barriers to Aboriginal people’s economic opportunities. Login or Subscribe to access full content. Tags: Building a Brand Around Sustainability Key to Technology Success How the World’s Biggest Corporations Are Making Themselves Sustainable Growing Through Green:Mercedes Electric Delivering Solutions One After Another