ESG =>> Industry Opportunities Developing Contextual Leaders Ready to Adapt in Dynamic Environments Document: | Video: | Podcast: | Font Size: Small Medium Large Old-style leadership development worked at one time but not in the dynamic business environment in which change is constant. Contextual leaders can adapt their thinking and approaches to strategy and problem-solving to fit the circumstances. - By Dave DeSouzaOrganizations are constantly evolving and need leadership able to evolve decision-making and strategizing to effectively support what is happening in the corporate setting. In many cases, these same businesses adhere to a conventional training-centric process which is not focused on progressive learning and behaviors. There is little flexibility and the information presented is always behind what is actually unfolding in the organization. Login or Subscribe to access full content. Tags: Environment, Transforming Worker Skills to Match a Transforming Green Economy Is an Equitable and Inclusive Resource Sector Possible Only if the Government Changes Course Sharing the Natural Resources Wealth with Indigenous People