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Companies have a major role in building a world where people with disabilities are respected and included. The work begins at home to establish the foundation, but the message will resound across the globe through applied talent management processes.

People with disabilities continue to struggle to be fully and equitably included in workplaces. Stereotyping and negative biases, coupled with a lack of knowledge of the ADAAA interactive process, continue to haunt talent management practices, creating barriers. The interactive process is a requirement of the American Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) which sensibly says that employers must honestly engage with a disabled person at any point of the talent management process when determining if a job candidate or an employee has a disability and whether reasonable accommodation can be implemented. The interactive process requires a real dialogue, meaning emailing back and forth is not applicable. The interactive process includes fostering the inclusion of people with disabilities, once hired, in the workplace. For global companies, successful interactive processes applied to operations around the world enhance inclusion on a global basis..

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