Trends & Issues =>> Industry Opportunities Sustainability Metrics Drive Sourcing and Procurement Decisions Document: | Video: | Podcast: | Font Size: Small Medium Large Sustainable procurement is more than a buzz word. It is strategic purchasing that supports corporate goals and is guided by sustainability metrics. Peter Drucker observed that "if you can't measure it, you can't manage it." Ergo…measure the results of sustainability efforts and the business is more likely to manage sustainability as a value-added strategy. An area that has one of the biggest impacts on sustainability results is in the sourcing and procurement decision-making process. Ergo…measure sustainability to drive procurement decisions that support sustainability progress. Login or Subscribe to access full content. Tags: A $13 Trillion Market Opportunity Waits For Firms Who Embrace Accessible Design A Corporate Communication Gap Becomes The Next Big ESG Messaging Opportunity In Asia Developing Systems And Strategies For Increasing Stem Innovation Levels