Supplier Opportunities =>> Golf Turning Big Data from the Smart Grid into Big Analytics Document: | Video: | Podcast: | Font Size: Small Medium Large Generating Big Data from the Smart Grid turned out to be the easy part. Now it is time to extract the value from the data to improve energy efficiency. - By James Hsu The electric industry is in the process of transformation. Many have heard of the smart grid, but there is a new term in town called the ‘soft grid.’ The smart grid collects enormous amounts of data from businesses and homes, but it is the soft grid that makes sense of it all. The soft grid is a generalized term referring collectively to Big Data, analytics, and other IT features. It gets to the heart of the smart grid’s real value: How can the flood of new data be efficiently captured, analyzed, and turned into knowledge? Smart technology enables utilities to collect, monitor, and manage the flow of electricity and capture transmitted data, but data alone is not valuable. The real value of Big Data lies in the ability of utility companies to analyze the data and convert the results into decision-making strategies. Login or Subscribe to access full content. Tags: Learning to “Putt” Business Decisions Overcoming Fear of Business Decision-Making Like a Golf Pro Learn a Person’s Golf Temperament for a Competitive Advantage