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Ready to Ecotour? Think Argentina!

It’s quite possible that whoever first defined ecotourism as travelling to places that are pristine, fragile and with great biodiversity was from Argentina. At least, that person had to have spent time in this stunningly beautiful country that is made up of distinct environmental regions offering everything you can imagine, including blinding white glaciers, red and gold desert vistas, awe-inspiring majestic mountains and dark green lush forests. This may sound a bit poetic, but it’s the truth. The various distinct regions of Argentina give visitors an opportunity to visit the entire natural world in one country.

There are few countries that have as many parks and untouched natural wildlife areas. Argentina offers eco-tourists plenty of opportunities to leave almost no mark of their invasion of the country’s pristine areas, thanks to well marked trails and expert guides. Before setting off on a nature walk, you need to fortify your body with traditional Argentinean food to support the local economy and experience firsthand the interesting recipes. Traditional foods include pascualina (vegetable pie), barbecue beef, fried empanada (filled pastry turnover), tartas (similar to quiche) or locro (meat and vegetable stew.)

Ethical Destination

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